Living in a different country..........

from my friends and my family, especially my kids, has often been nearly too much for me to bear but I often found that writing a letter to people, even if I didn't send it, made it easier for me to cope with the painful homesickness I was feeling.

That is why I decided to start this blog!!!

Are you ready for this?

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Sunday, 11 March 2007

Web Design & Imaging

Web Design & Imaging
I absolutely love building web sites for myself and my family.
I am on to my 8th web site which I hand coded but unfortunately I am not that good at it.
I am acutely aware of my limitations and know that this is something I am desperate to rectify as soon as I can get myself in one place to start a course.
Here is my Totally Shameless Self Indulgent Blog post for my ramblings on web design & imaging and useful related resources.


Eleganza Jewels, Etc! said...

NICE job, Lorna, what an excellent blog!!

I am a huge Cuckoo's Nest and ER fan, too! Birds of a feather tube together, I suppose :-)

Best of luck!

Linda a/k/a Eleganza

Anafiel said...

The blog and the forum looks great. Good job, and I'm glad I'm part of the community.

Best Wishes!