Living in a different country..........

from my friends and my family, especially my kids, has often been nearly too much for me to bear but I often found that writing a letter to people, even if I didn't send it, made it easier for me to cope with the painful homesickness I was feeling.

That is why I decided to start this blog!!!

Are you ready for this?

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Saturday, 23 June 2007

70 Members & Counting

Here I was, only a few days earlier, getting excited about the fact that we had 50 members already..Today we have 70. We must be doing something right :). I do know I have some really knowledgeable and committed moderators and I think that is a big part of our success. It is only just over two months old. So far we have a blend that seems to be working. Come on over and see what YOU think of us.
It was created for online store holders to network and share resources and tips but EVERY like-minded soul is welcome!!!!