Living in a different country..........

from my friends and my family, especially my kids, has often been nearly too much for me to bear but I often found that writing a letter to people, even if I didn't send it, made it easier for me to cope with the painful homesickness I was feeling.

That is why I decided to start this blog!!!

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Sunday, 11 March 2007


I love crafts, just like a lot of people but yet again, I have not had the time to hardly do anything 'crafty'. I have lots of crafting materials and I collect interesting objects and textures all the time, just waiting for the day I get settled.
I love polymer clay and would love to make my own paper, candlemaking, pottery, crochet and knitting are all things I would love to have a go at amongst others.
Here is my Totally Shameless Self Indulgent Blog post for my ramblings on crafts and useful related resources

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