Living in a different country..........

from my friends and my family, especially my kids, has often been nearly too much for me to bear but I often found that writing a letter to people, even if I didn't send it, made it easier for me to cope with the painful homesickness I was feeling.

That is why I decided to start this blog!!!

Are you ready for this?

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Saturday, 5 April 2008

Nearly a year on.

It has been a whole year since I first began the Totally Shameless Self Indulgent Forum. I had no idea whether it would succeed or fail but I had an open mind and wanted to see if I could fill a gap. There didn't seem that was many forums out there that were designed to help small business owners wanting to create their own independent web sites.
Today we have over 200 members, over 10000 posts and many great members willing to help other store owners realise their dream of owning their own store. I could not be more proud of the the Tssif members for their help and commitment to the Tssif forum and I look forward to another great year of growth, help and success.

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